Empowering change through human connection.

Helping leaders bring mental health into the workplace.


Meet Linea Johnson—a writer, speaker, and mental health leader. With a background in mental health advocacy, communications, and change management, Linea offers unparalleled insights. Explore her services, from compelling writing to impactful keynotes, all driven by a commitment to fostering well-being, inclusivity, and resilience. Connect with a true leader in mental health and communication strategy.


An empathetic, highly informed and effective storyteller—a rare combination
— Keri McDonough, Head, Patient Voice Consortium, Syneos Health

Elevate your event with Linea Johnson, a dynamic keynote speaker renowned for expertise in workplace mental health, stigma eradication, and disabilities. Engage your audience with powerful insights, actionable strategies, and personal narratives inspiring positive change. Book Linea for an impactful keynote fostering inclusivity, resilience, and well-being.

Linea’s awe-inspiring resilience and the sheer courage of [her] emotional transparency moved me to my core.
— Glenn Close, actress and co-founder of Bring Change 2 Mind

Explore Linea’s impactful writings on workplace mental health, stigma reduction, and disability rights. As a contributing author and accomplished freelancer, Linea brings expertise, empathy, and actionable insights to her work. Dive into her articles and book to gain valuable perspectives, strategies, and narratives that foster inclusivity, resilience, and well-being. Whether you're seeking thought-provoking content for publications or a skilled freelance writer to elevate your project, Linea delivers a unique blend of expertise and passion.


Linea is wise beyond her years and is a tremendous contribution to the world of mental health advocacy and education.
— Nanci Schiman, MSW, LCSW, Psychotherapist

Linea is a passionate advocate for mental health and disability rights. She has collaborated with NAMI, Bring Change to Mind, One Mind, The Kennedy Forum, and more. With a global impact, Linea interned at the World Health Organization, focusing on mental health policy, worked on the film Hidden Pictures, and supported global learning with MEET International. On the home front, Linea served on the WA State Governor's Committee on Disability and Employment and was an affiliate with the University of Washington Disability Studies Program. Linea's commitment to disability policy shines through her previous work with the Americans with Disabilities Act National Network and Disability Rights Washington.

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