The Thrive Shift. Navigating change. Cultivating wellness.

The Thrive Shift

The Thrive Shift offers change management and communications support to help you build a healthy workplace where your team thrives.

Venn Diagram with "Mental health awareness," "Human-centered strategy," and "Inclusive communication" around the words "The Thrive Shift"

We empower change through storytelling, authentic leadership education, and strategy development for enhanced equity and inclusion in health and wellness.

Our vision is to create a world where diversity is a strength, vulnerability is embraced, and all voices are heard.

The Thrive Shift draws its strengths through mental health awareness and advocacy, inclusive communication, and strategy centered on human needs.



Communications Strategy and Development

Words matter. Using the right words, tone, and delivery channels can make people feel valued and respected. Have you ever been afraid your message isn’t understood? Does your team struggle to understand changes happening in your organization? Do you want to learn how to develop a more inclusive language?

We’ve got you.

Whether helping you get to the “why” or building an internal communication system, we can help you get your message seen, read, heard, and understood.


  • Internal Communications Strategy and Development:

    • Craft compelling messages that resonate with your team, fostering a culture of open communication and transparency. Build a communications strategy that works for your team by using the proper channels, sending messages at the right time, and sharing information they need to know.

  • Communications Campaign Design and Content Creation:

    • We specialize in creating engaging content, including blogs, newsletters, and articles, to keep your team informed and motivated.

Mental Health and Disability Awareness and Education

Workplace wellness has become a phrase we hear a lot. But what does it really mean?

Do you or your company feel you are at the beginning of your journey to build an inclusive and healthy work culture? Do you want to start the conversation about mental health at work but are not sure how?

We’re here to help.

Whether you feel your team would benefit from hearing a personal story of mental health or need guidance on how to get the conversation started, we provide training, coaching, and storytelling to help break the ice and break the stigma.


  • Mental Health and Disability Awareness and Education:

    • Foster an environment of understanding and support by equipping your team with the needed knowledge.

  • Speaking, Training, and Coaching:

    • From empowering keynotes to tailored coaching sessions, we offer a range of services to elevate leadership and team dynamics and build mental health and disability awareness.

Organizational Change Management for Workplace Mental Health

Both the fields of change management and workplace mental health are growing, but what if they joined forces? While much of change management focuses on the human side of change, The Thrive Shift uses change management to drive healthy and impactful organizations.

Well-managed change leads to happy and healthy humans. Healthy humans are more resilient, flexible, and productive.

The Thrive Shift implements data-driven change management techniques to create a comprehensive workplace wellness culture that prioritizes inclusivity and authentic communication.


  • Organizational Change Management for Workplace Mental Health:

    • Navigate change seamlessly with our expert guidance, ensuring a smooth transition towards a healthier workplace.